
Age Calculator

What is Age?

Age is the measurement of time in terms of years, months, days, and smaller units since a person's birth or the occurrence of an event. It plays a fundamental role in various aspects of life, including monitoring development, determining eligibility for certain activities, assessing health risks, and shaping societal attitudes.

Our Age Calculator tool allows for quick and accurate age calculations, facilitating various purposes and event planning. Age is a crucial aspect that influences our interactions and opportunities throughout life.

How to Calculate Age?

Let's take an example to understand how to calculate age. Suppose a person was born on July 1, 1990, and the current date is July 16, 2023.

Follow these steps to calculate age:
  1. Note Down Your Birth Date
  2. Start by knowing your birth date, including the day, month, and year.
  3. For example, if you were born on July 1, 1990, that's your birth date.
  4. Determine the Current Date
  5. Next, find out the current date for which you want to calculate your age.
  6. Let's say the current date is July 16, 2023.
  7. Calculate the Number of Years
  8. Now, subtract your birth year from the current year to find out how many years you have lived.
  9. In this example: 2023 (current year) - 1990 (birth year) = 33 years.
  10. Calculate the Number of Months
  11. Next, subtract your birth month from the current month to determine the number of months.
  12. In this example: 7 (current month) - 7 (birth month) = 0 months.
  13. Calculate the Number of Days
  14. Lastly, subtract your birth day from the current day to find the number of days.
  15. In this example: 16 (current day) - 1 (birth day) = 15 days.
  16. View Your Age
  17. That's it! The resulting values represent your age in years, months, and days.
  18. So, in this example, your age is 33 years, 0 months, and 15 days.

How to Use our Age Calculator

Follow these easy steps to calculate your accurate age.

  1. Step 1: Enter Your Birth Date
    1. When you open the Age Calculator page, you'll see two boxes: 'Enter your birth date' and 'Calculate age on.'
    2. Click on the 'Enter your birth date' box, and a calendar will pop up.
    3. Choose your birth date from the calendar by clicking on the correct day, month, and year.
  2. Step 2: Choose the Calculation Date
    1. After selecting your birth date, click on the 'Calculate age on' box.
    2. The calendar will appear again, and you should pick the date you want to calculate your age for.
    3. Simply click on the day, month, and year to set the calculation date.
  3. Step 3: Calculate Your Age
    1. Once you've selected both your birth date and the calculation date, click the 'Calculate Age' button below.
    2. The page will display your age results.
  4. Step 4: View Your Age Results
    1. After clicking the 'Calculate Age' button, you'll see your age information displayed:
    2. 'Age: [Age in years], [Age in months], and [Age in days]' This line shows your exact age in years, months, and days based on your birth date and the calculation date.
    3. 'Age in years: [Age in years]' This line displays your age in years.
    4. 'Age in months: [Age in months]' This line shows your age in months.
    5. 'Age in weeks: [Age in weeks]' This line indicates your age in weeks.
    6. 'Age in days: [Age in days]' This line reveals your age in days.
    7. 'Running age: [Age in years old]' This line provides the age you'll be (in years) on the calculation date.
  5. Step 5: Clear Results
    1. If you want to calculate the age for a different date or start over, simply use the 'Clear Result' button.
    2. Click on the 'Clear Result' button to reset the age calculation and clear the results from the page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Age Calculator

The Age Calculator allows you to determine someone's age based on their birthdate and a specific date you enter. It provides the age, age in years, months, weeks, and days, as well as the running age.

To calculate age accurately, you need to enter the person's birthdate in the 'Birthday' field and the date for which you want to calculate their age in the 'Calculate Age On' field.

Yes, you can calculate age for both past and future dates. Simply enter the appropriate birthdate and the date you want to calculate the age for in the respective fields.

The age is displayed in various formats. You will see the age, which represents the time difference between the birthdate and the calculated date. Additionally, it provides age in years, months, weeks, and days, as well as the running age, which tells you how old the person is on the calculated date.

Yes, the Age Calculator provides accurate results based on the input dates you provide. It takes into account leap years, months with different numbers of days, and other factors to give you precise age calculations.

Currently, the Age Calculator supports calculating age for one person at a time. You can clear the result and enter new birthdates and calculation dates for different individuals.